There's a real difference between professional interim managers dedicated  to delivering your HR project, and HR professionals who are just "between jobs".

Professional HR interims hit the ground running, often operating below their  maximum capability - so you're not paying for a learning curve. They have exceptional experience, offering excellent value for money, and stay for the duration. You can be assured of results.

Senior stakeholders appreciate our practical, commercial approach.

Client references bear testimony to the unique attributes of Changework HR's interim service.  Exceptional technical strength, and current judicial experience in the Employment Tribunal mean that our risk management is backed with a real insight into tribunal decision making. You can have peace of mind, knowing that your reputation has been secured and expensive legal advice has been minimised!

Among other assignments, some confidential, ChangeWork HR have provided interim support to one of UK's largest outsourcing  deals, from Prudential to Capita. We have worked recently on IT and medical services outsourcing,  cost reduction programmes,and business/site closures. We successfully provided interim Head of HR services for LGC during a period of transformational change in the forensics industry.

ChangeWork HR is sometimes asked to provide operational support alongside the main interim project: examples include management of an exceptionally high value Employment Tribunal case, employment policy reviews and development of employee relations consultants.

We always aim to deliver knowledge transfer.

We chart a route through complex legislation, paying attention to the details of implementation. Pragmatic. Creative. Commercial. Secure.

Client feedback is invariably positive - experienced consultants manage projects on time and budget, with expertly managed risk